The comprehensive index of competitiveness refers to the monitor data of enterprises competitiveness, which is the weighted sum of the standard value of directly measured hard indicators (financial data) and indirectly measured soft indicators(market investigation), accounting for 70% and 30% respectively. The comprehensive index of competitiveness reflects not only the combined effects of the directly measured factors and the indirectly measured factors but also the reality and predictability of the competitiveness of wire and cable enterprises.
After the selection of competitiveness enterprises in the wire and cable industry, "the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the wire and cable industry of China of the year" and "the Top 50 enterprises in the wire and cable industry of China of the year" are selected. The score and comprehensive index of the Top 10 enterprises are illustrated in Chart 4-1-1 and Chart 4-1-2.

As can be seen from Chart 4-1-1, the scores of the top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the wire and cable industry are really close. The margin between the score of the first enterprise, Shangshang, and that of the tenth enterprise, Wanma, is only 57 points, indicating that the competitiveness of the top 10 enterprises is similar, and that there is no absolute leader in the highly competitive wire and cable market of China.
The scores of the first group, namely, Shangshang, Hengtong, Baosheng and Yuandong, are comparatively close to each other, particularly, there is only a 3-point difference between Shangshang and Hengtong. The second group consists of the four enterprises ranking from fifth to eighth, i.e. ZTT, TBEA, Jiangnan and Hanhe cable, and their scores are close. The score of the ninth enterprise, Zhongchao, is 3 points more than that of the tenth, Wanma, and 14 points fewer than that of the eighth enterprise. These three enterprises constitute the third group of the top 10 enterprises. On the whole, the scores of the top 10 enterprises are in narrow margin and ladder-like distribution.
Chart 4-1-2 shows the comparison of the comprehensive index among the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the wire and cable industry of China, and its characteristics are similar to those of Chart 4-1-1, therefore, further explanation is omitted. What should be noted is that the strength of competitiveness is relative. The top 10 enterprises ranking in the list is the strongest of the top 50 enterprises in the industry, and the top 50 enterprises are relatively stronger of all the companies in the wire and cable industry of China. Therefore, the strength of competitiveness in this report is based on the comparison among the selected top 50 enterprises, however, even the most competitive enterprises, Shangshang, Hengtong, Baosheng and Far East, will be weaker in some aspects when compared to the Global 500 enterprises, which demonstrates again that the strength of competitiveness is always a relative concept.
In summary, the comprehensive competitiveness index of the cable enterprises is only an evaluation made on the basis of the data of the cable enterprises during 2013 -2014, which, strictly speaking, should be described as a display of the current and evident competitiveness of corresponding enterprise. The competitiveness displayed may be due to technological innovation, scale advantages, resource monopoly or the protection from policies. It may also result from the long-term efforts and accumulation, corporate culture or opportunities, such as the opportunity of national policy. In the following part, whether the displayed competitiveness of different enterprises is sustainable will be further analyzed.
………… 【Please refer to "The competitiveness report on 'the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the wire and cable industry of China during 2013-2014'(integrated edition)" for details】